Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday was a fun day for cooking. We were having a pot-luck lunch for the director's birthday on Wednesday, so, after a yummy lunch of leftover ratatouille, I hit the packing house for vegetables on my way home. I picked up 6 lovely eggplant, as I was planning to make Eggplant Caviar for the potluck.

Eggplant caviar calls for:

3 large eggplant, washed
3 tbsp minced garlic
6 tbsp olive oil
juice of 1 lemon
salt and pepper to taste

You bake the eggplant at 350 for 45 minutes, then let cool and peel them. You puree the eggplants, then add in the other ingredients. I refrigerated mine overnight, which blended the flavors quite well, and the final product tasted like garlic hummus, with a slightly different texture. Some of my co workers liked it - of the ones brave enough to try it! The final product is gray, which is not the most appealing color for food. But to quote Lumiere: "Try the gray stuff, it's delicious!"

Dinner was leftovers from the 4th of July. I also made some gluten-free cupcakes for the boss, but I forgot the frosting. :(

I tend to skimp on breakfast - it tends to be something like Special K bars unless I am not working that day, so I am going to skip writing about breakfasts unless they are worth it.

Dinner last night was nachos, with cheese, salsa, leftover roast pork and greek yogurt. Yummy! Lunch today was the leftover Eggplant Parmigana from Saturday. And dinner - I am not sure yet. Something easy, as my back hurts and my cat is angry after the shampoo misadventure of this morning.....

I will also post the recipes for Monday's creations soon.

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